Monday, December 19, 2011

Sierra x Viking @ 6 weeks

Anyone else out there have a hard time believing the pups are 6 weeks old already!? I find myself caught between feeling they've always been here and thinking they were just born last week!

These little guys are growing by leaps and bounds and I've discovered that this litter as a whole seems uniquely unfazed by almost anything. Each of them seems equally able to play on their own happily without their siblings. Each morning when I remove them from the sleeping area to clean it and to make sure everyone is happy, clean and healthy from head to toe I alternate who is first to the play zone. I haven't had one of them complain about being their alone while waiting on the rest yet. Now, to be sure, all frenchies are laid back, but let me assure you it is very normal to have certain ones in each litter who hate to be separated at this stage. And they are usually VERY vocal about it. ;) I have heard the occasional opera when they are confined to 'the bin' (a topless tote that I use to hold them when I carry them up the stairs or do a quick clean of the play or sleep zones) but yet to hear anything other than happy playtime when on their own in the play zone! These are very confident and happy puppies!! :))

Everyone is eating well and using the papers regularily... some mistakes happen when they have time in other parts of the house... but on the whole they are doing very well with their training. My son, Garrett, had all the puppies sitting in a row to say hello last night when he arrived home from school, and of course the camera was no where in sight to capture the moment!! The kids are enjoying playtime with the pups early in the evening and snuggles at bedtime. All puppies are great to come when called (Phoenix has decided that she no longer responds to that name but much prefers her permanent name of 'Lola'!) and enjoy our fun recall games back and forth. Unfortunately for me "stay" is never really mastered this young... as you can see from the photos attached the shoot yesterday afternoon was with one monkey after another (except for one or two sleepy monkeys who were worn out before their turn!)!

The babies are absolutely adorable at this stage.... they look like little dogs come into their own. It always seems unreal that such small creatures can move and play just like the dogs in the dog park! These are the times that I truly treasure and they make up for all the trials and tribulations involved in breeding dogs.

More soon...

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