Monday, December 19, 2011

Sierra x Viking @ 4 weeks

Four weeks have come and gone since watching our dear little Sierra roll that big belly into the vet's office and come out with 5 beautiful babies!! It's been a whirlwind of a week with everyone finding footing and learning to run and wrestle, and with the bunch fighting off a cold as they wean and leave Mom's immunity behind leaving me sleepless and with a few more greys, but filled to the brim with puppy cuddles. I mentioned last week that I would have a bit of an idea of personalities at this stage, and though they are still budding, it never ceases to amaze me how the milk slurping, warmth seeking, sleep drawn little hamster-like creature turn into full fledged little dogs in the span of a week and a half!! This is by far my most favourite time.

Our sniffley snorters have been vet assessed and diagnosed with the puppy version of a common cold. They were put on clavamox (antibiotic) to stave off anything that might take advantage of their lowered immune (one or two had some green boogers that have since passed) and rest assured that all will be right as rain in no time and (though I watch like a hawk through the night regardless) it's a pretty common occurence with weaning pups.

McKinley is one of the two smallest pups, but just like his Mom now one dares tell him so. He's an action packed little man that seems to love being in the middle of everything. Very agile and one of the first to walk and run this guy is usually on the top of the pile up and then leaving the others in his dust. He's also a sweet little man and loves to cuddle almost as much to chase... well whatever that was that just rolled by. Very curious and outgoing he loves people and will sit on a lap and absorb as much attention as you are willing to give.

Everest, our other boy, is the polar opposite in the weight and energy department. A heavier set and laid back boy he seems to let everything roll off his back like water off a duck and smile the whole time. He reminds me very much of Hemi from our last litter and I will not be surprised in the least if he becomes my husband's favourite - lying back and watching football with the boys and enjoying the spurts of energy that come with it. You can do whatever you like to Everest - he seems to enjoy having his toenails cut as much as tugging a rope or lying on his back for a good belly rub in front of the TV.

Phoenix is our tiny beauty of the litter. She is graceful and stoic, a fairytale princess that is not afraid to fall on her face in the pileup with the boys. Calm and consistent but always ready to get in there to play she is a very sweet little Diva who wraps everyone around her finger instantly. She's not a complainer and will allow the necessities of life from cleaning to nail clipping... even lying on her back when rolled over without a peep, but with the same look her father gives me: "You know I'm too pretty for this, right?"

Mauna Kea is the outgoing friendly girl of the bunch. She's just plain amiable (bull?)! Adorable and sweet, but ready to play at a moments notice, she seems to be ready for anything that is your speed and take it all in without blinking. She's a go with the flow girl that seems content as long as she's part of the party or with you at your side. Not afraid of the food bowl, Mauna (soon to be Zoe) is usually first to the food bowl and walks away with the most gorgeous rounded belly!!

And finally Mariana - our available girl, who quite frankly has only been posted for a week and I'm not sure I won't retract it and keep her despite the fact that I really should wait until next season to keep back from Sierra. This girl is the litter's sweetheart; she's definitely inherited her mothers soft cuddley side. Just lovely through and through, she snuggles in like a teddy bear and comes running to anyone offering her love and affection. She has one of those young innocent personalities that only those dogs get to keep - the understanding that everyone is wonderful and loving in her world, and embracing it wholeheartedly.

Now that you have all come to understand the unreasonable time I spend doting over your puppies ... :))
Yes, it's true, my sleepless life has some definite perks, and despite the bags under eyes and the loss of most memory at this point I still walk around mosrt of my day with a big smile on my face.

More soon...

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